When? : October 5th-9th, 2016
Where?: 1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair, Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R 1LA

Info :
Bio (pdf)


Parole d’Ombre Amulettissimo @ Code A, Parole d’Ombre Amulettissimo @ Code JC, Parole d’Ombre Amulettissimo @ Code M etc.
What are the colours of our words? Shadow, the explicit sign of the absence of light, bears the expression of our words. Beyond childhood, does each human being hold his world over his head in relation to the education received in order to gain access to knowledge?
This series of works strikingly shows the various changes we are faced with over time. Questioning, examining our inner homes and growing up partly fed by the innocence of childhood, which allows us to obtain light.

Childhood is only the beginning, the base of our becoming. It is fed by our relationships with others, by our environment, by the education given to us, by the various readings of our symbolic universes colliding with each other in a place where acquired and innate are intertwined.

What exactly nourishes us in terms of symbols that shape our knowledge, particularly when religious symbols start to intervene? The answer might be given by Ô Bee one @ Pik Assobaka JEMO shuffle and Ô Bee one@ Pik Assobaka Odioka shuffle. The religious symbolism within the bottles combines the idea of spiritual food blending with terrestrial food resulting in a joyous religious chaos.

As such in metaphors, Mbuya Pendé feeds on the image of a mask. The series of drawings on deep black paper evokes the narrative sources of ancestral spirituality. Minimalist like children’s works yet containing every element of the life to come, those firm white lines stand out from the intensity of the blackness with strength and determination.


© Ernest Dükü
Parole d’ombre amulettissimo @ code J.C. 2011
Baby doll, paper, wax, saw dust, acrylic, cotton yarn and sisal

© Sitor Senghor
Ernest Dükü
Ô Bee one @ Pik Assobaka JEMO shuffle. 2014
Drawing and collage on creased paper
Format H150 x L100 cm

© Sitor Senghor
Ernest Dükü
Anan Ya Bosson @ Isotope 5. 2016
Drawing on deep black paper
Format H29,7 x L21 cm

© Sitor Senghor
Ernest Dükü
Echoes from Sirius @ Anan Monin Shuffle. 2016
Drawing on deep black paper
Format H29,7 x L21 cm

© Sitor Senghor
Ernest Dükü
Bossons descendus de Sirius A. 2016
Drawing on deep black paper
Format H29,7 x L21 cm
