Ndary Lo, Trees of the origins

When?: October 14-18th, 2015
Where?: 1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair
Somerset House, Strand,
London WC2R 1LA

Info :
Bio (pdf)
Press Release (pdf)
Press (pdf)


Senegalese sculptor, Ndary Lo, continually breathes new life into the secondary raw materials he redirects to demonstrate all the stages of life. The march towards change is inevitable and he revisits this through all the different themes. This is what we will find this year in his version of Dante’s paradise on display at the Smithsonian, in Rosa Parks’ Refusal in Bilbao, or in Trees of Origins in London.

Emblem of Senegal and omnipresent in the African collective imagination, the tree is the essential symbol of life, nature and wisdom. Giacometti and numerous modern artists were influenced by African sculpture starting from the 20s. It is now Ndary’s turn to appropriate this cultural heritage and to present his own lanky and slender image in his Trees of Origins. His humanized vegetal compositions, where man draws all of his energy from the very roots of nature, are warning calls for more commitment and responsibility towards the material environment.

© Sitor Senghor
Three of the origins. 2013
Welded steel
Format H40 x dia. 40 cm circa

© Ndary Lo
from left to right:
Tree of the origins. 2013.
Welded steel

Taking off. 2011.
Welded steel

© Ndary Lo
Three of the origins. 2014
Welded steel and filler
Format H54 x dia. 51 cm circa
© Sitor Senghor

Ernest Dükü, Akiineh

When?: October 14-18th, 2015
Where?: 1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair
Somerset House, Strand,
London WC2R 1LA

Info :
Bio (pdf)
Press Release (pdf)
Press (pdf)


Ivory Coast painter and sculptor Ernest Dükü was an architect and designer before dedicating himself exclusively to his readings and dreams transformed into paintings. It all starts with words, the mysterious heart of life, to shows things than cannot be written.

In Ernest Düku’s work textures, colours, signs are deeply intertwined. Traditional Akan signs engage dialogue with Egyptian, Ethiopian, Caribbean, Christian, Islamic, Jewish symbols to achieve well-balanced, rhythmic and contemporary results. The “mixture” is the sum of all the unsaid words we have in our heads and an open invitation to a peaceful rebirth.

His work constantly questions memory and identity by reading the post-colonial culture and understanding religion syncretism and history. It is everywhere in his latest Akiineh series.

© Ernest Dükü
Kurumaawale @ what a wonderful world. 2014
Drawing on creased paper
Format: 44 x 65 cm

© Ernest Dükü
Tombé du ciel @ metaphisikawale
Drawing on creased paper
Format: 65 x 44 cm

© Ernest Dükü
From left to right:
Akiineh @ mise A.NU.BIS repetitas. 2012
Drawing on creased paper
Format: H85 x L66 cm

Miss Amuin @ soleil ô soleil. 2014
Drawing on creased paper
Format: 65 x 44 cm

Nebojsa Bezanic, Tarot, Major Arcana

When?: September 23rd – October 10th, 2015
Where?: 6 Mandel
6, avenue Georges Mandel
75116 Paris
Time?: Tuesdays to Saturdays – 2:30 pm to 7 pm (except on private events days)

Info :
Press Release (pdf)


© Nebojsa Bezanic
THE LOVERS (detail)
Mixed media on paper on canvas
Format: 150 x 100 cm

© Nebojsa Bezanic
THE SUN (detail)
Mixed media on paper on canvas
Format: 150 x 100 cm

© Nebojsa Bezanic
Mixed media on paper
Format: 110 x 75 cm

© Nebojsa Bezanic
Mixed media on paper
Format: 110 x 75 cm