Ernest Dükü, Equation

When?: 31 march – 3 april 2016
Where?: DDessin, Atelier Richelieu,
60 rue de Richelieu, 75002 paris

Info :
Bio (pdf)

“Everything in the human world has consisted of symbols as long as mankind has existed. Yet it is said that Africa has no history, because it is not written down in text. But there is an African history that is recorded by means of symbols. That’s why I use numbers and symbols; it is a criticism of this attitude and a desire to show how the symbolic can revert to its former glory”

Ernest Dükü

Amaamonlagokatiolozran @ je vous sal ue 61 x 45,5 cm 2015 Ernest Dükü

Courtesy Ernest Dükü
Amaamonlagokatiolozran @ je vous salue. 2015
Drawing and collage on creased Chinese paper
Format H61 x L45,5 cm

Amaamonlagokatiolozran @ o bee one  61 x 45,5 cm 2015 Ernest Dükü

Courtesy Ernest Dükü
Amaamonlagokatiolozran @ ô bee one. 2015
Drawing and collage on creased Chinese paper
Format H61 x L45,5 cm

Equation 3 moutons @ sillence on devel lope 61 x 45,5 cm 2015 Ernest Dükü

Courtesy Ernest Dükü
Equation 3 moutons @ silence on développe. 2015
Drawing and collage on creased Chinese paper
Format H61 x L45,5 cm 2015

Equation 5 moutons @ silence on develo ppe 61 x 45,5 cm 2015 Ernest Dükü

Courtesy Ernest Dükü
Equation 5 moutons @ silence on développe. 2015
Drawing and collage on creased Chinese paper
Format H61 x L45,5 cm

Equation 9 moutons @ silence on devell ope 61 x 45,5 cm 2015 Ernest Dükü

Courtesy Ernest Dükü
Equation 9 moutons @ silence on développe. 2015
Drawing and collage on creased Chinese paper
Format H61 x L45,5 cm 2015